  親愛的不要不開心   Dearing, Don’t be unhappy
當風吹過我們       Sent jolly odor with winds
微醉的體味        above all of us,
坐下不再維持姿態     sitting of Entropy
坐下開始遊戲彷彿     be playing the game as
我們一直有所期待     we had been expected for

因為一隻可能不存在的流螢 Since an unconfirmed firefly
分心言談…        disturbed the discourse upon
提起過往         The past recurred was
應然的回憶        Like it ought to.
告訴我正確與否      tell me whether it rights or yet
昨天我們犯下的那些錯?  Those crimes we committed yesterday

更多的昨天        more than yesterdays
一起喝酒,說不定     drunk around may really
真的看見過什麼      saw what something was
在我們所有可能      possibility of every ourselves
達致的共識與結論上    even of consensus and conclusion.
批評某種愛        criticized some kind of love
某些愛人,某些      some kind of lovers, some
我們都非常失落的片刻   instants all we lose in vacuo just
只是           didn’t know

閉上眼          closing eyes
又有風吹過        Sway wind once again

六月,空中有絮      June, fluff in the sky
各自離散在各自之中   each dispersed by own life
不承認:        don’t wanna concede that:
「願你們美好,美好    ”I wish you were as wonderful as
如昔。」        you was.‘’


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